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Top 3 Things You Miss When Remodeling Your Kitchen

When remodeling your kitchen, it’s essential to consider various factors beyond aesthetics. Here are the top three things that are often overlooked:

  1. Respecting the Home’s Architectural Integrity
    Preserve the character of your home. If you’re renovating a mid-century modern kitchen, think twice before gutting it entirely. Original features, such as vintage wall ovens or retro-colored appliances, can add value and charm. Consider what buyers in your area appreciate. Flow with the overall architectural style of your home to maintain consistency and appeal for potential buyers.

  2. Investing in Quality Cabinetry
    Don’t skimp on cabinetry. Whether it’s your forever home or a rental property, invest in durable, well-constructed cabinets. Particleboard cabinets may seem cost-effective initially, but they won’t withstand the test of time. Opt for solid wood or high-quality materials to avoid regrets down the road. no one wins if particleboard ends up in a landfill.

  3. Choosing Practical Appliances
    Prioritize functionality over luxury. While pro-grade appliances are enticing, consider your actual needs. Do you truly require a chef-grade six-burner stove top? Be honest with yourself. Invest in appliances that suit your lifestyle. For a large family, a reliable dishwasher might be more valuable than a high-end stove top. Evaluate wear and tear, features, and frequency of use when selecting appliances.

A well-thought-out kitchen remodel balances aesthetics, functionality, and long-term value. If you need any help with your kitchen remodeling project, please reach out to ValEquity and we would be glad to assist. Happy remodeling!